Group therapy can be an intimidating prospect for some people. The thought of sharing their struggles with others can feel terrifying to them and keep them from getting readily available to help. A recovery support group in Pennsylvania can help men and women struggling with substance use disorders or other mental health issues. A group therapy program gives patients a chance to see how others are coping with their mental health issues and see that it can be very beneficial to share your story with your peers.
At Arkview Recovery Center, we offer effective support groups near Lancaster, PA, to men and women ready to make a positive change in their lives. We will determine the proper form of treatment based on your unique symptoms and the severity of your addiction. For more information about our recovery support group in Pennsylvania, call 717.744.0756 today to speak with our compassionate and knowledgeable staff.
Recovery Support Through Group Therapy
Depression and other mental health disorders can make you feel like sharing your struggles will be embarrassing and shameful. The trick of depression is it creates self-supporting negative thoughts that keep you from seeking help. In reality, everyone in group therapy feels uneasy about sharing their story and have the same apprehensions about group therapy.
A therapist will encourage you to participate and interact with others during group therapy as they share their stories. This can help you see how others are affected by addiction and other mental health disorders. Your therapist also gets a chance to see how you interact with your peers. During your individual session, your therapists will go over what you experienced during group therapy and use that information to benefit your recovery and to show that you are not alone.
At Arkview Recovery, our addiction group therapy program in PA can help you with your addiction recovery with a mixture of group and individual therapy. Together, this creates a stronger recovery plan to help you maintain your sobriety for life.
Benefits of an Addiction Group Therapy Program in PA
A recovery support group in Pennsylvania can help improve your chances of recovery with minimal risk of relapse. During group therapy, the skills you learn and practice will build your self-esteem and confidence in leading a sober and productive life.
Other benefits you can expect from group therapy include:
- A broader range of feedback–Listening to your peers talk about their struggles can open your eyes to the fact that you are not alone and see how others are coping with their mental health issues.
- Practice coping skills–You will practice coping skills within group therapy to increase your confidence in your ability to manage your triggers and cravings without falling back on negative habits.
- Improves communication skills–Group therapy helps you communicate better by learning how to listen and understand what you are hearing. This can also help improve the clarity of what you are saying through the feedback you get from the group.
- A sense of belonging–The bonds you form with other group therapy members will become part of a support network that you will rely on for years. Group therapy offers a community of peers who will encourage you to stay committed to your recovery.
Begin Your Recovery Journey Near Lancaster, PA, at Arkview Recovery Center
Arkview Recovery Center offers individual therapy and support groups near Lancaster, PA, to help men and women struggling with addiction or other mental health disorders. We employ a wide range of therapeutic programs, including individual and group therapy, to help with your recovery. Our therapy programs include:
- Individual therapy program
- Group therapy program
- Family education program
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy program
- Dialectical behavior therapy program
If you or a loved one is struggling with mental health disorders, call 717.744.0756 today to learn more about our recovery support group in Pennsylvania.

Kyle is Lead Therapist at Arkview Recovery Center. He holds a Master of Social Work degree from Temple University and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. He has years of experience working directly with individuals who suffer from addiction and mental health disorders. Being in long term recovery himself, Kyle is very passionate about the recovery process. He is heavily involved in the local recovery community in which he enjoys his commitments to service and giving back. His specialty is in group therapy and developing clinical staff. Kyle brings to Arkview a holistic approach to recovery, specializing in mindfulness, reality therapy, and solution-focused therapy.