a woman is able to open up and get to the root cause of her addiction in individual therapy during treatment

What Is Individual Therapy, and Is It for You?

Therapy is a significant part of effective addiction and mental health treatment. Individual therapy will have individuals working one-on-one with a counselor to work through the issues they have been struggling with. Therapy is an integral part of a larger treatment protocol and is part of the support and care system individuals need to safely…

A patient and therapist discuss individual therapy benefits

3 Benefits of Individual Therapy

Because mental health issues are unique to the individual, it requires a deep understanding of the person’s background and lifestyle to treat the symptoms and develop healthy coping skills. Individual therapy benefits help patients in numerous ways, including stopping the endless loop of negative thinking that can trigger their symptoms. An individual therapy program is…

woman sitting on couch

How to Find Out Which Type of Individual Therapy Is Best for You

There are many different types of individual therapy to help with several mental health issues. How do you know which program is right for you with so many choices? Not all therapy options can help with every problem, and it will take understanding the symptoms and cause to form an effective treatment plan. Your individual…