Drug addiction treatment near Berks, PA, offers compassionate and effective care for men and women with an addiction to prescription, recreational, or illicit drugs. Pennsylvania has one of the highest opioid overdose rates in the U.S., and nearly 290,000 residents struggle with a substance use disorder. Drug addiction treatment is essential to begin your addiction recovery safely and give you a better chance of reaching your sobriety goals.
At Arkview Recovery, our drug addiction treatment in Pennsylvania provides help for patients ready to make a real effort toward long-lasting recovery. We employ various therapy options and medication-assisted treatment to give patients the necessary skills to lead a sober and productive life. If you or a loved one is struggling with drug addiction, call 717.744.0756 today to speak with our friendly staff about our drug addiction treatment near Berks, PA.
Why Do You Need Help From a Drug Addiction Treatment Close to Berks, PA?
Addiction affects each person in different ways. While some people can seemingly develop an addiction overnight, others can take the same amount and not immediately form an addiction. No matter how much you take, you will form an addiction to drugs whether you think you will or not. Drugs have a physical effect on your body that replaces the natural production of vital neurotransmitters like dopamine.
Your body naturally produces dopamine, a neurotransmitter responsible for euphoria, pain relief, memory retention, and blood pressure. When you take drugs, no matter how much you take, it binds with the opioid receptors in your body and signals a massive release of dopamine, much more than your body can ever do alone. Your body won’t start normal dopamine production again until all of the toxins from the drugs leave your body, which can take several days to weeks depending on how long you have abused your substance of choice.
At Arkview Recovery Center, we offer drug addiction treatment near Berks, PA, to help with your addiction recovery no matter how severe your addiction is.
We will perform a complete evaluation to determine whether an inpatient or outpatient treatment program is the best starting point for your addiction recovery. The severity of your addiction and commitment to your recovery will determine which program is right for you.
The Benefits of Drug Addiction Treatment in Pennsylvania
There are many benefits to enrolling in drug addiction treatment in Pennsylvania. Not only will you have a better chance are long-lasting recovery, an addiction treatment program significantly reduces your risk of relapsing and overdosing. Other benefits of drug addiction treatment include:
- A safe and private environment where you can focus on your recovery in a non-judgmental atmosphere
- Gain a better understanding of addiction and how it changes you
- Develop coping skills to maintain your sobriety
- Improved self-esteem and confidence in your sober goals
- Time to practice coping and communication skills with your peers during group therapy
- A strong support network of sober friends to help you along your recovery journey
- Continual support through outpatient and aftercare programs that you can rely on any time you feel your cravings return
Arkview Recovery Center: Providing Compassionate and Effective Drug Addiction Treatment near Berks, PA
At Arkview Recovery, we support men and women struggling with addiction through our drug addiction treatment in Pennsylvania. We employ proven behavioral therapy and family counseling during your addiction treatment program for a holistic treatment program. Our addiction treatment programs include:
- Detox
- Residential/Inpatient treatment
- Men’s and women’s drug rehab
- Medication-assisted treatment (MAT)
To learn more about our drug addiction treatment close to Berks, PA, and how it can benefit your recovery, call 717.744.0756 today to speak with our compassionate staff and get started on the road to recovery.

Kyle is Lead Therapist at Arkview Recovery Center. He holds a Master of Social Work degree from Temple University and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. He has years of experience working directly with individuals who suffer from addiction and mental health disorders. Being in long term recovery himself, Kyle is very passionate about the recovery process. He is heavily involved in the local recovery community in which he enjoys his commitments to service and giving back. His specialty is in group therapy and developing clinical staff. Kyle brings to Arkview a holistic approach to recovery, specializing in mindfulness, reality therapy, and solution-focused therapy.