pills in a bottle

What Is Pharmacotherapy Treatment?

Using medication to treat addiction and mental health issues increases every year. In the US, prescription drugs sales steadily increase each year, with 2021 reaching 1.3 trillion in revenue. What is pharmacotherapy treatment, and how can it benefit you? A pharmacotherapy treatment center provides monitored medication to help reduce symptoms of mental health issues like…

doctor talking to male

Common Medication Used in Detoxing

Medical science has improved greatly over the last few decades. Today, men and women struggling to quit drugs or alcohol can benefit from FDA-approved medications that can reduce withdrawal symptoms. As a result, it becomes easier to detox from drugs and alcohol. Medication for detox is a proven method of treating patients with moderate to…

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What Is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy?

Addiction is a mental health disease that is very difficult to treat. Mental health issues like addiction affect each person in several unique ways. As a result, it’s impossible to treat with a one-size-fits-all form of treatment. Addiction patients can better understand their mental health issues through an effective cognitive-behavioral therapy program. This program is…

3 Ways to Encourage Your Loved Ones to Attend Family Therapy

3 Ways to Encourage Your Loved Ones to Attend Family Therapy

Your family is an essential part of your life, for better and for worse. Family relationships are sometimes the cause of addiction for some family members where their home life is not a place for healthy growth and development. Your family can also be loving and supportive of your addiction recovery. Your loved ones are…

How to Talk to My Family About Medication-Assisted Treatment Program

How to Talk to My Family About Medication-Assisted Treatment Program

Drug addiction creates powerful withdrawal symptoms that can make it nearly impossible to get through without help from a medication-assisted treatment program. Treating drug addiction with more drugs may seem unorthodox, and some family members may not understand how that is possible. Talking with your family about how a pharmacotherapy treatment program can reduce withdrawal…