a person looks sadly out of a window possibly struggling with alcohol addiction vs dependence

Alcohol Addiction vs. Dependence: What’s the Difference?

Alcohol addiction is a mental health disorder that can cause physical and mental symptoms that can seriously impact a person’s life. Understanding the difference between alcohol addiction vs. dependence can help you understand how addiction can affect you and cause you to continue the abuse, even if you want to quit. An alcohol addiction treatment…

downtown buildings of york pa

Get Alcohol Addiction Treatment Close to York, PA

Each year in the U.S., an estimated 95,000 men and women die from alcohol-related causes. Despite the high addiction rates and potential for serious physical and mental harm, many people don’t fully understand how easy it is to form an addiction. Alcohol addiction treatment near York, PA, is available to help them safely detox from…

social drinker vs alcoholic

Alcoholic vs. Social Drinker: What’s the Difference?

A common phrase you may hear from friends when asking about their drinking is, “I’m a social drinker, not an alcoholic.” Social drinker vs. alcoholic is a very thin line that can be easily crossed if people aren’t careful with their drinking. When social drinking turns to alcoholism, an alcohol addiction treatment program can help…