When a person is in the midst of addiction, the chemistry of their brain changes. The brain is “rewired” to crave the drug of choice and the person will stop at nothing to get what they want. Once a person has reached this level of addiction, they may not be able to stop using their drug of choice without experiencing painful withdrawal symptoms. In fact, these withdrawal symptoms may be so painful that the person resumes their drug use to feel “normal”again. It may feel as though there is no chance for these people to live a life without a dependence on drugs or alcohol.
At Arkview Recovery in Pennsylvania, we are ready to help people regain control of their lives from addiction. In some cases, pharmacotherapy may be necessary for some people to start their addiction treatment. Our Arkview Recovery pharmacotherapy treatment center can give people with an addiction a head start on the road to recovery and is only part of an individualized treatment plan along with our other Addiciton treatment programs .