Addiction rates continue to climb throughout Pennsylvania, making the need for residential treatment near State College, PA, even more imperative. State College is a popular area for college students and adults alike. Adults struggling with addiction can enroll in a residential treatment program and begin working on their recovery in a safe and supportive environment.
Arkview Recovery Center is a full-service, accredited addiction treatment facility in Mechanicsburg, PA, and offers residential and outpatient treatment programs. Our team has years of experience treating all types of addiction and the various causes behind the abuse. Patients will participate in behavioral and holistic therapy sessions while receiving medication to ease withdrawals and cravings. Discover residential treatment near State College, PA, by calling 717.744.0756, or you can send us your questions online, and we will get back to you within 24 hours.
Why Do You Need Residential Treatment Near State College, PA?
The realities of addiction and the harm it causes to the person and their loved ones are well documented, yet people continue to abuse drugs and alcohol. Our society’s casual relationship with drugs and alcohol has caused a decades-long epidemic responsible for hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths.
People who form an addiction will experience intense withdrawals and cravings if they don’t continue taking more of the substance of choice. The longer the abuse continues, the greater the chance of developing severe medical complications, such as:
- Stroke
- Certain cancers
- Heart disease
- Cardiovascular disease
- Permanent brain damage
- Organ failure
A residential treatment program gives people from all walks of life a chance to break their addiction to alcohol, cocaine, meth, and other lethal substances. It provides comfortable rooms in a discreet and secure facility with 24/7 support from professional behavioral therapists and medical staff. Programs can last from 30, 60, to 90 days, depending on the severity of the addiction and the underlying causes fueling it.
At Arkview Recovery, our residential treatment close to State College, PA, is the best place to begin recovery safely and with fewer risks of relapse. Our team has years of experience treating addiction using the latest behavioral and holistic therapies and medical support, and we work hard to develop close relationships with each patient.
Benefits of Residential Treatment Near State College, PA
Residential treatment near State College, PA, has many benefits for those struggling with a substance use disorder and ready for a significant change in their lives. It teaches them healthy ways to abstain from drugs and alcohol and promotes lifelong sobriety and a healthy state of mind.
Here are just some of the benefits of a residential treatment program:
- A dedicated team of therapists and medical staff will provide 24/7 support in a discreet facility that promotes open communication and safety.
- Private therapy sessions where you will talk with a behavioral therapist to better understand the reasons behind the abuse and learn new ways to cope with those feelings.
- In group therapy, you will practice coping skills with your peers and participate in group discussions, role-playing games, nature walks/outdoor therapy, and creative self-expression.
- Families will also have a chance to work with a therapist and resolve any lingering anger or issues caused by the addiction. This program can help restore broken trust and relationships with parents, spouses, and children.
Enrolling in residential treatment near State College, PA, allows people to stop abusing drugs or alcohol before causing severe physical and psychological complications. The skills they learn during therapy will help them reach their recovery goals and improve other areas of their lives.
Discover Residential Treatment Near State College, PA, at Arkview Recovery Center
You can find residential treatment close to State College, PA, at Arkview Recovery off the Rossmoyne Road exit along the 76 freeway. We have a full-time staff of certified behavioral therapists and medical professionals who work together to create a more effective recovery experience. We utilize a wide range of therapies and treatments that include:
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
- Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
- Medication-assisted treatment
- Family therapy
- Separate men’s and women’s rehab programs
Pick up the phone and call 717.744.0756 today for more information about our residential treatment program and how it can benefit your recovery.

Kyle is Lead Therapist at Arkview Recovery Center. He holds a Master of Social Work degree from Temple University and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. He has years of experience working directly with individuals who suffer from addiction and mental health disorders. Being in long term recovery himself, Kyle is very passionate about the recovery process. He is heavily involved in the local recovery community in which he enjoys his commitments to service and giving back. His specialty is in group therapy and developing clinical staff. Kyle brings to Arkview a holistic approach to recovery, specializing in mindfulness, reality therapy, and solution-focused therapy.